Mission statement
Bepko Learning Center

The Bepko Learning Center (formerly called the Student Mentor and Resource Center) is the culmination of the vision and courage of Dr. Herman Blake, Dr. Scott Evenbeck, Dr. William Plater, and Tonja Eagan. The program began in August 1991 based on the philosophies of supplemental instruction developed by Dr. Deanna Martin from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Supplemental instruction is based on the premise that students can play a key role in the academic development of their peers by being role models, by applying collaborative learning techniques, and by facilitating the group experience related to the course material.
The general philosophy of “students helping students,” which acknowledges that a powerful partnership for student success can be created through the collaborative efforts of peer mentors and support faculty, has been used to adapt and expand mentoring activities beyond its origins with supplemental instruction. This approach recognizes the need to identify high-risk courses, work around the complex schedules of mentors and students, and engage the cooperation of discipline faculty. Mentors are students who excel in the educational process, model “good” student characteristics, and care about the struggles and successes of those who strive to learn. As the program continues to grow and to improve, enhancing the dynamic interaction between mentors, faculty, and the students they both serve is of paramount concern.
Welcome from the executive director
Welcome to Indianapolis! As a student at IU Indianapolis, you have access to the Bepko Learning Center, one of three Learning Centers of Excellence in the United States. Our center provides opportunities for students to collaborate with peers through academic mentoring, success coaching, and tutoring to achieve greater success in college.
The general philosophy of students helping students, which acknowledges that a powerful partnership for student success can be created through the collaborative efforts of peers and support faculty, has been used to adapt and to expand peer activities beyond the classroom. Our peer mentors are students who excel in the educational process, model good student characteristics, and care about the struggles and successes of those who strive to learn. Although the Bepko Learning Center peer staff are seasoned students and competent in the material they facilitate, instructors and professional staff serve as experts in the content and offer an additional resource to support the mentors. As the program continues to grow, enhancing the dynamic interaction among mentors, faculty, and the students they both serve is of paramount concern.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our mission and peer educational philosophy. I invite you to further explore the programs and services the Bepko Learning Center has to offer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Mark A. Minglin
Executive Director