
Attend a mentoring session

Mentoring sessions complement your classroom experience and help you increase your knowledge and understanding or course concepts. Voluntary sessions are an optional opportunity to get support in select courses, while mandatory sessions are officially associated with certain classes as a recitation.

Bepko Learning Center tutoring session

Voluntary sessions

Voluntary mentoring sessions are regularly scheduled, informal review sessions in which you compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items with other students. You will learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together. Voluntary mentoring is a free program designed to enhance your understanding of course content and to raise grades while working collaboratively with peers.

As a participant in voluntary mentoring, you will:

  • Develop various study skills to enhance your academic performance
  • Learn processes and methodologies for effective learning (e.g., learning strategies, note-taking skills, verbalizing concepts)
  • Enrich your understanding of course content

Voluntary mentoring session times

Voluntary mentoring sessions are offered for the courses listed below. The schedules are updated prior to the beginning of each semester and are continuously updated throughout the semester with relevant changes. Click on the course of interest below to download the most recent academic mentoring schedule:

BIOL-N 217   BUS-X 100     
BIOL-N 261 SOC-R 100 (Dr. Strong)